Maasai Smiles


Before we started our safari, we visited a ‘working Maasai tribe’, which, despite its name, was clearly a tourist trap and very different from what Maasai life is actually like – it helps if you’re travelling with someone who spent a week working in a Maasai health centre! That being said, they said to take as many pictures as we like, assumably to promote the experience, but it gave me a chance to photograph local people without being inconsiderate or offensive. This little chap was definitely my favourite!

Blue Monkey


As well as being a photo of a monkey that looks a little blue, this is also a photo of a Blue Monkey! Such wit. This is possibly my favourite shot from the trip – it was taken in Lake Manyara National Park during the midday sun, which is usually a time I expect to get no decent shots. Thankfully, the way the light passed through the trees actually created a harshly lit studio effect, which made for quite a moody and emotive shot. I’ve added the colour shot too as I like both, but I would love to know which is your favourite!




I didn’t think that animals would pose for me on safari, but it turns out I was really quite wrong. The monkeys, in particular, seemed very keen to look down the lens; this is a black-faced vervet monkey, possibly my favourite of the animals we saw on our trip. The monkeys are also the most fearless – it wasn’t uncommon for them to stand in the middle of the track and refuse to move as we drove towards them!