Parliament Building


I know this shot may be somewhat of a cliché, but there was no way I was going to miss it! Little did I know that it may be more of a challenge than you might expect…

The problem I had was the boats that you can see in the foreground, which completely obscured the view of the glorious building form the riverside. Long story short, I had to make a mad dash across a main road and ever so slightly trespass along a wall that was barricaded off as part of a building site to get to this point. I only came away with one cut on the back of my leg and a minor shouting at by a local that I “couldn’t hear” – could have been worse! The things I do for my art…

The compression from Photoshop has made the sky look a little more granular than I would have liked, but I’m still happy with the shot.

Rest and Be Thankful


For a view that you simply have to drive up to, this isn’t half bad!

This is the full view from the Rest and Be Thankful viewpoint, which, as I’ve previously mentioned, is literally just a car park off the A83. I’ve read online that there are a few walks around there, so I’ll definitely be looking into those – let me know if you have any recommendations!

Last Light


Apologies for my absence for the last few days – I had a visit from my brother, so was a little occupied!This is a shot I took at Rest and Be Thankful Viewpoint (on the A83, if you’re intrigued). It’s such a spectacular view and the closest I’ve come to the feeling I got when I entered Yosemite National Park – not quite the same, but certainly of that ilk! The valley wasn’t as illuminated as I would have liked, so this image was my favourite from my journey; there’s still a photo of the whole thing to come though, don’t you worry!

A View from a Bridge


Another shot from the ascent up Ben Vorlich for you today – this time from a tiny bridge over a tiny river. I waited a fair while for the tiny break in the clouds that you can just about see touching the top of one of the peaks, so it will come as no great surprise when I tell you that, five minutes further up the road, the whole hillside was illuminated! Sod’s law, I guess, but it’s driven me to head back up to the area this evening in search of better light!

Underpass VII


You may or may not be pleased to know that this is the last of the first batch of Underpass images! I’m pretty pleased with how it’s going and will hopefully get to take some more shots for it soon. I’m flying home for the weekend this evening, with the possibility of taking my camera with me – we’re heading to the Sky Garden in the “walkie-talkie” building in London, so hopefully there will be enough room!

Underpass VI


I may not be able to get out with the camera this week, but, seeing as the colour palette of this photo is roughly the same as the sky I’ve been watching through the window all day, I’m not too disappointed! I am not one to shy away from heading out on dreary days, but I would really like to see the sun again some time soon!

Underpass IV


Since I haven’t been able to get out this week, I really hope you all like monochrome photos of underpasses, as I’m afraid that’s all I have for you at the moment! I’ve tried to keep things varied today by adding some unlikely flora to the scene. I’m not sure how or why this plant has decided to grow here, but I’m glad it did because it quite often brightens up the otherwise grey scene.

Underpass II


Another shot from my latest series of photos, Underpass, for you today. I must have spent a good few hours waiting at these lights since I arrived in Glasgow, so it won’t surprise you that this was one of my first stops – that said, some of the drivers that were waiting there seemed a little perplexed at my presence!